Meet Mom's Self-Care BFF: Belle.

Treat Yourself!

Less mom guilt. More self-care.

We get it — you're always busy caring for everyone around you BUT you. Think about it, when was the last time you cared for yourself? It's easy to put yourself last, then feeling guilty for taking a moment just for you. That's where we come in. Our self!-kits, crafted (with lots of love) by a fellow mom who's been there, are your guilt-free ticket to self-care. It's time to let us help you care for you because you absolutely deserve it! ♡

Ring Ring, Belle's at Your Door!

"Hi! Yes, I'm a self!-kit, but think of me as your biggest cheerleader in your self-care journey. With a whole latte of encouragement, I'm going to support and empower you through every mom-me milestone. I'm also here to remind you that self-care isn't selfish —it's essential. Oh, consider this virtual coffee (or latte) my way of saying cheers to self-care and our new friendship!"

Invite Belle In ♡
  • Our Story

    It all began when a mom, just like you, realized the power of self-care in her own journey. Determined to share the magic, she founded Self! For Moms with the mission to make every mom feel seen, cherished, and empowered.

  • Our Values

    We're firm believers that every mom deserves empowerment through self-care (guilt-free!). Self-care is nonnegotiable for moms to ensure that you're at your best to care for your loved ones. Our mission is to redefine self-care for moms. We're dedicated to spreading this message by embodying the best qualities of a BFF—kindness, unwavering support, and just having fun.

  • Our Promise

    At the heart of our mission is a commitment to be your unwavering support and encouragement throughout the ups and downs of motherhood. We promise to stand by you as your self-care BFF, ensuring you feel loved, seen, and cared for, especially when you open our self!-kits.

Step into our Self!-Care Nook

Ready to cozy up in our Self!-Care Nook? It's like having a heart-to-heart chat with your BFF. We're here to share real conversations, valuable resources and tips to support you on your journey through motherhood and self-care. Grab a drink (we don't judge), and let's explore this world of inspiration and empowerment, made just for you.

See what our Besties are saying...

We're still super new here, so reviews are coming soon! <3